Airport Downtime = First Post!

3:31 AM

I’m writing this post from an airport during a week of regular updates in my email inbox regarding Zika virus precautions and preparations. I’m the worst at actually starting things - if procrastination were a disease, I’d have been diagnosed with it - and after months of not posting I thought hey, what better time to actually start writing a fashion blog than during a time when mosquito protection is becoming increasingly relevant?

First, a little bit about me. I’m AC, a graduate student in public health with a concentration in epidemiology. I’m preparing to apply to medical school next year, and am currently making the transition from a Lookbook to a more classic blog style. Expect to see looks, fun health facts, and probably some gushing about theatre.

skirt: Uniqlo, leotard: Capezio, necklace: Forever 21

A lot of my clothing is thrifted, mostly because I’m 4’11” and a size whatever is the smallest available. This skirt is my first accordion skirt and my first maxi skirt, and I ADORE it. When there’s a slight breeze I feel like I’m from Tatooine. In another first, I’m wearing a bodysuit that’s actually a leotard. This decision was mostly made by the fact that I didn’t do laundry for a long time and ran out of shirts, and honestly I’ve become a big fan of bodysuits. They’re comfortable, and paired with the skirt it really feels like I’m not wearing anything at all.

I don’t have this cardigan on hand right now, so I don’t remember the brand, but it’s a children’s cardigan from Macy’s and one of my most-worn purchases. It goes with pretty much everything.


Well I’ve already mentioned Zika, might as well make today’s fact a Zika fact! For those that don’t know, Zika virus disease is spread by mosquitoes and can cause mild disease with about a week of symptoms of fever, rash, and joint pain. 

Zika virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947.

The best way to avoid getting Zika is to avoid mosquitoes. Wear mosquito repellant, avoid areas with lots of mosquitoes (usually places with standing water, where mosquitoes can breed), and wear long sleeves and pants to avoid getting bitten. For example, this outfit would be okay for preventing mosquito bites, although pants would be a better option than the skirt.

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